
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We've added support for new DCC versions this update for Unreal Engine, Blender, Unity, and Cinema4D.
Software Support
  • Added Blender 4.3 Support​
  • Added C4D 2025 support​
  • Added Unity 6 support​
  • Added Unreal 5.5 support​
We've added support for new DCC versions this update for Unreal Engine, Blender, and Cinema4D.
Software Support
  • Added Blender 4.3 Support​
  • Added C4D 2025 support​
  • Added Unreal 5.5 support​




Cargo for Windows v1.4.2

Second hotfix for the last update, this should now bring you reliable and improved imports of the entire Cargo library.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where imports would lead to NULL or empty objects in all DCCs.
Second hotfix for the last update, this should now bring you reliable and improved imports of the entire Cargo library.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where imports would lead to NULL or empty objects in all DCCs.
1st round of hot fix for the latest Cargo release.
Fix for the remaining known issue where empty or null assets are brought into the DCC is ongoing and will be coming
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a circular buffer issue that caused large assets to fail and communication between Cargo and CargoPlatformServices to fail.




Cargo for Windows v1.4.1

1st round of hot fix for the latest Cargo release.
Fix for the remaining known issue where empty or null assets are brought into the DCC is ongoing and will be coming
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a circular buffer issue that caused large assets to fail and communication between Cargo and CargoPlatformServices to fail.




Cargo for Windows v1.4.0

This update is all about smoother workflows and better DCC integrations. We’ve polished the Cargo experience and significantly improved plugin performance.
We addressed 30+ plugin specific issues which should provide you a much smoother import process and make our assets look great upon import.
Quality of Life Improvements
  • Minor design tweaks to Discover page​
All plugins:
  • All plugins now perform a handshake with Cargo on asset import to:
  • Fail faster by verifying that a plugin is connected before committing to serializing large assets
  • Verify and log a target plugin’s identity (DCC name, DCC version, and plugin version)
Blender Plugin Material Updates:
  • Materials now have UV mapping nodes for all textures, enables easier tiling support for users.
  • Material node rework to be more organized and clean.
  • Blender 4.2 and up has better EEVEE glass materials now. Namely the following changes:
  • EEVEE glass materials now use slab mode for thickness
  • EEVEE glass materials now use ray-traced transmission
  • EEVEE glass materials now have a default value of 0.1 thickness
  • Added white tint to metallic materials.
Cinema 4D Plugin:
  • RS Object tags to geometry using Redshift Materials
Unreal Engine Plugin:
  • Master standard material is now double-sided! Things like tents or thin walled buildings now have interiors!
  • Master transparent and masked materials are now double-sided. This fixes problems where grass and fence objects would only be visible from one side.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where the password reset screen would be unresponsive
  • Fixed a bug where users where the wrong error were surfaced to users that prevented them from downloading assets
  • Fixed a bug where Opening Cargo will sometimes redirect users from the Discover page to Kits page.
  • Fixed a bug where opening a Material from a kit would load an unrelated asset
  • Fixed a bug where Cargo would freeze when copying files after download location change
  • Fixed Cinema 4D auto plugin update failing due to mismatched minor and patch versions between the Cinema 4D installation’s version.
  • Fixed general plugin auto update failures due to the limited incoming connection.
  • Fixed simple and advanced software setup failures for Unreal when a user is missing the registry keys the Unreal Engine editor typically generates when it’s installed.
  • Fixed message validation error between CargoPlatformServices and Cargo during Houdini plugin installation.
Blender Plugin:
  • Default IOR for glass textures is now set to 1.45.
  • Refraction textures now map directly to transmission weight in BSDF node.
  • Uses transparent BSDF for glass textures.
  • The semantic version of Cargo’s Blender addon that is displayed in Blender’s addon menu is now synced with the latest version of the addon.
Cinema 4D Plugin:
Legacy Redshift Material
  • Changed Fresnal Type from IOR to Metalness as a default.
Redshift Material
  • Fixed failing imports of materials.
  • Metalness value by default is set to 0.8.
  • Glass/transmission material refraction linked to transmission weight.
  • Glass/transmission material roughness linked to reflection roughness.
  • Glass/transmission material diffuse linked to base color and transmission color.
  • Emissive materials - assets with emissive textures have a base weight of 20 by default.
  • Bump map intensity values (Height Scale) new default 0.0001.
  • Removed Inversion off roughness maps for Redshift Materials.
  • For all glass shaders, in the Albedo node - reduced the legacy gamma down to 3.5 for clearer glass.
  • For all materials with emissive - In the Emission channel, increase the Surface Brightness Power to 2.5. Brighter emissive materials like neon signs.
  • Fixed issue with renderer option not being set on dialog box initialization causing Octane materials to not import as Octane materials.
Unity Plugin:
  • Fixed RGBA texture creation by using the red channel instead the alpha channel of opacity textures when sourcing opacity values per pixel.
Unreal Engine Plugin:
  • SRGB settings now false for ARM textures. Removing overly shiny or "wet" effect from materials.
  • Reduced IOR for glass materials to 1.0. This stops the strange magnifying glass effect we were getting in Unreal Engine.
  • Masked and translucent materials now use the correct master material.




Cargo for Mac v0.5.0-beta

This update is all about smoother workflows and better DCC integrations. We’ve polished the Cargo experience and significantly improved plugin performance.
We addressed many plugin specific issues which should provide you a much smoother import process and make our assets look great upon import.
Quality of Life Improvements
  • Minor design tweaks to Discover page​
All plugins:
  • All plugins now perform a handshake with Cargo on asset import to:
  • Fail faster by verifying that a plugin is connected before committing to serializing large assets
  • Verify and log a target plugin’s identity (DCC name, DCC version, and plugin version)
Blender Plugin Material Updates:
  • Materials now have UV mapping nodes for all textures, enables easier tiling support for users.
  • Material node rework to be more organized and clean.
  • Blender 4.2 and up has better EEVEE glass materials now. Namely the following changes:
  • EEVEE glass materials now use slab mode for thickness
  • EEVEE glass materials now use ray-traced transmission
  • EEVEE glass materials now have a default value of 0.1 thickness
  • Added white tint to metallic materials.
Cinema 4D Plugin:
  • RS Object tags to geometry using Redshift Materials
Unreal Engine Plugin:
  • Master standard material is now double-sided! Things like tents or thin walled buildings now have interiors!
  • Master transparent and masked materials are now double-sided. This fixes problems where grass and fence objects would only be visible from one side.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where the password reset screen would be unresponsive
  • Fixed a bug where users where the wrong error were surfaced to users that prevented them from downloading assets
  • Fixed a bug where Opening Cargo will sometimes redirect users from the Discover page to Kits page.
  • Fixed a bug where opening a Material from a kit would load an unrelated asset
  • Fixed a bug where Cargo would freeze when copying files after download location change
  • Fixed Cinema 4D auto plugin update failing due to mismatched minor and patch versions between the Cinema 4D installation’s version.
  • Fixed general plugin auto update failures due to the limited incoming connection.
  • Fixed simple and advanced software setup failures for Unreal when a user is missing the registry keys the Unreal Engine editor typically generates when it’s installed.
Blender Plugin:
  • Default IOR for glass textures is now set to 1.45.
  • Refraction textures now map directly to transmission weight in BSDF node.
  • Uses transparent BSDF for glass textures.
  • The semantic version of Cargo’s Blender addon that is displayed in Blender’s addon menu is now synced with the latest version of the addon.
Cinema 4D Plugin:
Legacy Redshift Material
  • Changed Fresnal Type from IOR to Metalness as a default.
Redshift Material
  • Fixed failing imports of materials.
  • Metalness value by default is set to 0.8.
  • Glass/transmission material refraction linked to transmission weight.
  • Glass/transmission material roughness linked to reflection roughness.
  • Glass/transmission material diffuse linked to base color and transmission color.
  • Emissive materials - assets with emissive textures have a base weight of 20 by default.
  • Removed Inversion off roughness maps for Redshift Materials.
  • Displacement map intensity values (Height Scale) new default 0.0001. (removes the puffy oversized models we were seeing on macOS with redshift)
  • For all glass shaders, in the Albedo node - reduced the legacy gamma down to 3.5 for clearer glass.
  • For all materials with emissive - In the Emission channel, increase the Surface Brightness Power to 2.5. Brighter emissive materials like neon signs.
  • Fixed issue with renderer option not being set on dialog box initialization causing Octane materials to not import as Octane materials.
Unreal Engine Plugin:
  • SRGB settings now false for ARM textures. Removing overly shiny or "wet" effect from materials.
  • Reduced IOR for glass materials to 1.0. This stops the strange magnifying glass effect we were getting in Unreal Engine.
Hotfixed a couple of bugs.
Remember to drink adequate water, get some fresh air, and have a nice stretch!
Bug Fixes
  • Forgot password screen's "Submit" button is clickable again.
  • Imports no longer cause Cargo to be unresponsive.
  • Changing your download folder will now move all previously downloaded assets to the new destination.




Cargo for Windows v1.3.1

Hotfixed a couple of bugs.
Remember to drink adequate water, get some fresh air, and have a nice stretch!
Bug Fixes
  • Forgot password screen's "Submit" button is clickable again.
  • Imports no longer cause Cargo to be unresponsive.
  • Changing your download folder will now move all previously downloaded assets to the new destination.
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