[Kit Request] Brutalist District & Props
edit summer
Some sub-editions for Brut kit would be nice and useful :)
Some ideas
- Cars & vans
- housing units (for the poor)
- bus stops/metro underground entrances
- Neo-Brutalist house units that can be placed ON the existing Brutalist Kit's buildings & towers to create an even darker dystopian world
- some buildings like Museum, laundry, library, grocery store, gas station etc
Vlad Enache
I'm using Brutalist 2055, and if those bus/metro stops would have Trains/Buses/Trams/cars/interiors that would be great
Michael Reese
For those of you interested, we dropped a new Brutalist kit that is very detailed and may be of interest to the folks in this thread!
Tom Koch
Loving the idea!
Maxx Burman
Christoph Bauer
This sounds interesting actually