Blender 4.3 support
Steven Chen
This was released as part of the latest update to Cargo for Windows and macOS
Michael Lombardi
I'm still waiting, where or how have you seen cargo being used with blender 4.3? I manually installed plugin but cant get past the software setup in Cargo.
Michael Lombardi I have found that if you don't have 4.3 installed and, Install cargo to 4.2, Install 4.3 and click import from 4.2 which for me bought the addon across and I have had no issues since
Michael Lombardi
ath0rus looks I’m going to try to reinstall an older version to see if I can try the same hack for now. My patience is running thin waiting on an update.
Michael Lombardi
ath0rusThanks again, That actually did the trick its works for me in 4.3.2
Michael Lombardi all good, I always do the import from old version option when updating blender as I have a custom setup (custom layout and lots of addons), It's usually just easier to import from last version and fix the issues (if any) rather then every time re doing it all
Elaine Deveney
Thanks for posting this. The team is aware and we'll update here once it's in progress.