[BUG] Invalid Credentials Sign-In Error
nic hamilton
When signing into Cargo using his KB3D credentials, he gets an Invalid Credentials error.
User tried troubleshooting steps to reset their KB3D password multiple times to use to sign into Cargo, but still getting the same error message.
He also tried resetting the password in Cargo. After entering the code to reset password, the page became unresponsive. Currently stuck and unable to sign into Cargo.
User suspects it's because they have a really old account or there is a database sync issue between the KitBash3D site and Cargo app.
Carson Jones
Aug 29 2023. Received a notice saying this is fixed. It's not. Still not working. I can log in to the Kitbash website but not in Cargo. Brutal. Still.
Maxx Burman
All known issues around SIgn In have been resolved. If you have futher issues, please contact help@kitbash3d.com or use the support chat on www.kitbash3d.com.
Maxx Burman
Looking into this to find a solution. Please let us know if you're experiencing this and willing to jump on a video call with one of our engineers so we can diagnose the issue.
Rob Betz
Same issue since Cargo launch; I go thru changing password process - every time I change it to the same password and it works. Very annoying. Not using cargo as a result.
Shelby Goldstein
Rob Betz: I understand your frustration here and apologize for this being a result of not wanting to use Cargo. We're working on a long-term fix for this.
I want to make sure I'm understanding correctly. Are you ultimately able to successfully sign into Cargo after resetting your password? Is the issue that you are prompted with this error every time you try to sign into Cargo, and then have to reset your password to ultimately sign in?
Rob Betz
Shelby Goldstein: Hi Shelby; yes to both. I am able to sign in but only after resetting my password. I was already logged in so I knew my password was correct. But I have to "reset" it every time, though on a whim the 2nd or 3rd time I had to do this I 'reset' it to whatever it already was and it worked.
So to answer, yes I am able to log in but these tedious extra steps make me not want to use it. I love the idea. I have A LOT of Kitbash kits and the asset browser works but not as well as cargo looks like it does or is supposed to. The log in bug was too annoying to use on a daily basis, though.
having the same problem. any fix yet ?
tyree white
Check this tutorial I made when I had this same issue.
Nikon Basu
same problem