Cargo + C4D the materials are kinda wack once converted.
Jake Pickle
I'm running C4D and octane. C4D 2023.2.2 and Octane 2023.1 R7
I am having to do a lot of work with the materials to work with Octane. I'm used to the convert and batch relink protocol. I've purchased some kits from you in the past. But with Cargo, the materials are kinda wack once converted.
1) I have to go in and connect image textures to the diffuse input.
2) Need to lower the emission down to .001 where there are emissive qualities.
3) And just generally, the materials seem to be buggy. The material thumbnails don't update unless I tweak the normal power slider and then undo.
4) Glass layers aren't working. I'm going in and replacing those but tracking down the material location is a pain.
Ye, things like that. Is this normal? Is there another way? Can't be normal. There's gotta be another way.
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Steven Chen
Cristóbal Maldonado
Hi Jake!
We're sorry to hear you're having trouble with Cargo.
To try and fix your problem I would suggest trying the following:
- Make sure your Cargo plugin is correctly installed and connected to Cinema 4D
- Try again by selecting Octane as your main render engine in your render settings before importing any models.
- For the glass materials, you can try and disable the Diffuse node in the material editor to get a clearer look.
If that doesn't work I would suggest deleting the plugin from C4D, uninstalling the Cargo app and then do the reinstall process from scratch.
Let us know if that works and if you keep having issues.
Jake Pickle
Cristóbal Maldonado: Thx