Unity Crashes, Times out or is running for hours on Import
Niko Mix
The issue is much less now, however I've been almost not able to use Kitbash for the duration of my subscription - will there be any extension/refund? Also some assets still don't work: This is the error message I get - which crashes whole unity in that case. It occurs still mainly with large assets like the Hotel Resort
Maxx Burman
We've resolved a known issue that caused Unity to crash or time out in Cargo v1.1.1. Full release notes can be found here: https://feedback.kitbash3d.com/changelog/cargo-v111-vehicles
Niko Mix
In the event of importing larger Meshes I recieve this error, which actually let's the full Unity Editor, with all pending edits, crash. Leading to data loss.
This particular error had been caused by "Upper Town Square A" from the Enchanted Pack, using 4k PNG Texture Size.
Niko Mix
For importing (especially large Models) this error message is shown in the Unity Console, leading to the idle state and pending tasks on close of the editor. Any further imports fail from that point:
InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2+KeyCollection+Enumerator[TKey,TValue].MoveNext () (at <834b2ded5dad441e8c7a4287897d63c7>:0)
4+Mesh[TVertexData,TEdgeData,TFaceCornerData,TFaceData].AutoSmooth (PipelineMeshModule
4+AutoSmoothNormalCalculator[TVertexData,TEdgeData,TFaceCornerData,TFaceData] normalCalculator, PipelineMeshModule`4+AutoSmoothFaceCornerFactory[TVertexData,TEdgeData,TFaceCornerData,TFaceData] faceCornerFactory, System.Single angleTolerance) (at <f8f74e411e714e6b86c66f8df3b2483e>:0)UnityImportOperations.AutoSmooth (PipelineMeshModule`4+IReadonlyMesh[TVertexData,TEdgeData,TFaceCornerData,TFaceData] mesh, System.Single angleTolerance) (at <f8f74e411e714e6b86c66f8df3b2483e>:0)
Cargo.CargoMeshFactory.ImportMesh (NETKBUSD.Kb3dInstance components, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] materials, System.String parentName, System.String importName) (at <4e04a334e690456a95c3911abeb40eee>:0)
Cargo.CargoUI.HandleCreateMeshes (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary
2[TKey,TValue] materials, System.Collections.Generic.List
1[T] componentInstances, System.String assemblyName, System.String importName) (at <4e04a334e690456a95c3911abeb40eee>:0)Cargo.CargoUI.HandleAssetImport (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary
2[TKey,TValue] materials, System.Collections.Generic.List
1[T] componentInstances, System.String assemblyName, System.String importName) (at <4e04a334e690456a95c3911abeb40eee>:0)Cargo.CargoListener.StartListener () (at <4e04a334e690456a95c3911abeb40eee>:0)
System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) (at <834b2ded5dad441e8c7a4287897d63c7>:0)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) (at <834b2ded5dad441e8c7a4287897d63c7>:0)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) (at <834b2ded5dad441e8c7a4287897d63c7>:0)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) (at <834b2ded5dad441e8c7a4287897d63c7>:0)
System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () (at <834b2ded5dad441e8c7a4287897d63c7>:0)
UnityEngine.<>c:<RegisterUECatcher>b__0_0(Object, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs)
Niko Mix
I'm using the Universal Render Pipeline within the project. The issue appears especially on larger/complex (nature, water, etc props) and I get several different errors. In the first place, there's no very good indication that the import actually works/starts. Once the import is broken, KitBash3DCargoUnity.dll does not conclude whatever processing it's doing (see screenshot attached) I've had this running for several hours on my N2 SSD, with 98304MB Memory and AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX (32 Core and 64 CPU's) so I have doubts that the performance of the machine is the cause. The only thing that helps from that point, is killing the process and restarting unity.
The Import of such Assets does not seem to be completed, as the Object within Unity is not set as Prefab - however after some time neither Cargo or Unity indicate any processing, CPU usage reduces to idle processing and on close the below screenshot appears again.
Niko Mix
I have also tested this now with 2022.3.11f1 the TLS version.
Maxx Burman
in progress