Atom Punk Pack missing big section
Nathan Purkiss
Hi there - Just purchased the Atom Punk pack and opening it see that it's missing a big section of one of the pieces. In the mid piece here, you can see by comparing with pictures of the pack that on the right side of the piece, there is a big section of that piece on the bottom/right that is missing. How can I get the full section for that piece?
Shelby Goldstein
Shelby Goldstein
in progress
Shelby Goldstein
Updated Kit files to resolve floating asset.
Shelby Goldstein
Hey Nathan Purkiss, thanks for reporting this! That piece on the model is actually just floating, so if you pull it down, you'll have the full model; however, our team just updated the Kit file to make sure that the asset is fully intact. Please try re-downloading the Kit file from your KitBash3D account.
Nathan Purkiss
Shelby Goldstein: fantastic - I’ll download the kit again. Thanks for the quick response, and the kit looks amazing!
Shelby Goldstein
Nathan Purkiss if you're still experiencing the same issue, please let me know what 3D software and render engine you're using and we'll further investigate.
Shelby Goldstein
Nathan Purkiss: Just following up to see if this is working correctly now. In addition, if you could share which software and render engine you're using, that would help our engineering team understand how this may have happened.
Nathan Purkiss
Shelby Goldstein: Hi Shelby - thank you for following up! So, unfortunately that section of the piece is still missing like it's shown in the picture I shared above. I just re-downloaded the pack again to see and the section of the piece under the floating part is still not there. I am using Maya, FBX, but checked the OBJ version and it's missing there as well...
Nathan Purkiss
Actually, I see what you mean by it's floating... if you move that whole section down to the ground, it fits with the rest of the pieces and was just out of place. Sorry for the back and forth - maybe good to fix in an update you do or something so that piece is connected correctly when people open the pack, but the pieces are all there - thank you very much for following up!
Shelby Goldstein
Nathan Purkiss: I appreciate you providing that additional insight. We made an update to the Kit files to resolve this issue, but it looks like you're still experiencing it, so we will need to investigate further as to why this is still happening. When you're downloading the file for Maya, which render engine are you selecting?
We agree that this is something important for us to fix, so thank you for your help in doing so!
Shelby Goldstein
Hey Nathan Purkiss! We appreciate your patience here. We made another update to fully resolve this issue within the Kit files across all software formats. Go ahead and redownload the Kit file from your KitBash3D account. That piece should be properly connected now and no longer floating. Let us know if you're still experiencing the issue so we can dig back into the issue. We appreciate your help in resolving this!
Nathan Purkiss
Shelby Goldstein: Thanks so much - the pack is great and glad to have that one piece all set. It's beautiful! Thanks for your responsiveness on this and for the great assets that you make available for all of us!
Shelby Goldstein
Nathan Purkiss: Great to hear everything is working as it should! Enjoy! :)